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You know your a Mom when….

I have a lot of these moments lately it seems like! I’m not sure if its cause I just have a lot on my plate, we have had a rough year, I don’t exactly know the reason but there defiantly is enough reason to believe those things! So with that I currently have an illness…

Mom Life: Live to Work or Work to Live

Currently with the pandemic I’m working to Live! Being a Mom during a pandemic has been so hard! I have worked through the whole pandemic and am so thankful for that as its been my escape from home life but also a way to continue to provide for my family! If we were not in…

What a Week!

This week was an interesting/busy week for our household! Monday my vehicle didn’t start due to extreme temperatures and I had to find them a ride to school which is 30 minutes away, shortly after getting them there they were dismissed from school at 9am due to no water at school from frozen line! Tuesday…

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